A deep cry comes from my stomach;
an unimaginable vacuity,
where the butterflies have gone
and only patience remains.
Hiding behind fleshy walls, my true feelings lay
and endless questions replay like a broken record.
Can you see the gaze realized in my eyes?
I want you to kiss me, but you'll never know.
Just sweep me off my feet
and let us dance in your kitchen.
Let loose and deserve me
i'm ready to give in.
When I get a chance to hold you,
we connect in a memorable way.
I love when we talk historically
so I can invest in your knowledge.
You confuse me beyond capacity
but my feelings are devoted to your mind.
A simple, yet challenging motif,
but there is elegance in poise.
You'll tell me how beautiful i am
but then forget I'm your adjacent.
As your worldly ideas pleasure me wildly,
I cannot hope enough you'll make a move
it won't last forever,
a high flowing through me.
You will choose me someday,
until then...
I play the waiting game.